
10 years ago

september 11th, 2001 is a day i will forever remember. http://www.gotgeoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/9114.jpg
i'm sure i won't forget that day and what i was doing but i decided i wanted to document it on the blog.

i was in 8th grade, 13 years old. i was riding with my brothers to school that day and we were running late (not something unusual). we were about to go out the door and my dad called my mom and said to turn on the tv. we all saw that one tower had been hit. i remember thinking, "what is going on?" I didn't really understand but i do remember being somewhat fearful. we then went to school and my english teacher turned it on, i think it was second period. i remember she talked to our class about how awful it was, she started crying because she had boys in the military. that night my dad talked to us about not being scared. it was definitely a life changing day.

this week i was speaking to my 3rd graders about 9/11 and i was quite emotional telling them what happened and how lucky we are to live in America. they all responded to a writing response, Why I Love My Country. it was quite touching to read some of their responses. i am so thankful to be an American and grateful for the opportunities i have in this country. i love that i get to say the Pledge of Allegiance with my students everyday. i am so grateful for those that fight for our country. i truly do love America.

also you really should watch this video. i watch it every year. i like it because instead of it just being sad and depressing, it really ties in the gospel and leaning on our Savior at all times. it also really focuses on the plan of salvation. watch it, you won't regret it.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love that video! So nice to see the focus on God and the gospel. Love love love your hair btw