

i went from this...
to this...

honestly...i love it.


Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Wow! You can pull anything off! You look so chic and sexy :) Love it!

McKell said...

oh my gosh you are always so brave with your hair and it always turns out awesome! you are my idol

Stephanie said...

You go girl looks great!

Blake and La-Shana Francom said...

I could never pull off that hair cut but you look awesome with it! =)

Chelsie said...

Love it! You are so brave!!

Jordan and Leslie said...

Love it!! You truly look amazing!!

Jordan and Leslie said...

Love it!! You truly look amazing!!

jeff & mal said...

You really can pull off anything! You have the perfect face for short hair...more pictures please!

Anonymous said...

Looks Great Jan! P.s. We still need to get together soon!

Nick, Alex, & Nixon said...

Oh my I am SOOO jealous of your bravery and how awesome you look! I've wanted to try something like that FOREVER but I'm not brave enough and I could never pull it off like you! So cute!

Sam said...

You can totally pull that off! It looks super cute on you!

Chelsea said...

Jan! You are stunning! I am planning on cutting my hair short like your top picture next summer. Wow. What a babe!!

Erin + Geoff said...

love it!! i think you look stunning... can't wait to see it in person!

Colt 'n Tami said...

U are a BABE! Luv the new look! So fun to see ya at the wedding! Good luck with the internship... you will ROCK it!