
make these

 I made one of my best dinners yet last week. The vegetables were cooked perfectly, the chicken was tender, and the velvety-like gravy was incredible-top all that off with biscuits on top...ya it was that good. It really was not that hard to make either. Here is the recipe. While you are over there, make sure you follow this blog. Photo is from her blog.

I also made homemade poptarts.  They were a lot of work, but so yummy.  Here is the recipe and a few photos.


Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Wow, that dinner looks delicious! Thanks for posting the recipe! And nice poptarts lol, did they taste similar to the stop bought ones?

Jannifer said...

They were more like a pastry. The dough wasn't hard, it was soft and flaky. It was just a pie crust recipe. I thought they tasted better-while nate prefers store bought. :( of course. ha

Thomas and Amanda Provstgaard said...

That looks good! Thanks for the new food blog to follow! I love finding new dinner ideas! This is my favorite food blog: http://www.the-girl-who-ate-everything.com/ check it out! Everything I've tried from there is SO good!

Blake and La-Shana Francom said...

The dinner looks so yummy!! I was going to attenpt to make homemade pop tarts but still haven't found the time to do it!