where to begin.. we have been out of town so much lately and we are finally staying home on the weekends and i love it. even though we had a blast going lots of places it is nice to be home sometimes. plus i got a new calling that makes me feel like i need to be at our ward all the time.-i'm the 2nd counselor in the relief society presidency. it's been going good so far, it's a little overwhelming but it's already been a lot of fun to get to know the girls. i really love our ward. if any of you have gone to any really awesome activities let me know-i'm over them.
anyways back to some fun things. nate's birthday was this month. we didn't do much on his actual birthday but that weekend we stayed at little america and went to gateway. it was a blast. the view of the city on our balcony at little america.

we watched the sunset.

can't believe he actually took some pics with me. haha they aren't the best because we both had shadows on our face.

my wonderful grandparents had their 59th anniversary! 59 years-can you believe that, so crazy. they are so great together.

one of my most favorite cousins got married. i'm so happy for her! here we are at her shower.

the wedding.

i still have a few more things to catch up on but i'll have to do another post.
again if you have any activites you really liked let me know! thanks!
Sounds like fun! After busy, busy weekends it is so nice to stay home, I agree! You look so pretty Jan!
Hey Jan!! It looks like you guys are having so much fun! Thats awesome that you got called to be the 2nd counselor. We really miss you guys, we dont have cool neighbors anymore :(
Sounds like you guys have been having a lot of fun! Congrats on your new calling, and good luck!
Love the second picture of the sunset. Super cutie
hey.. i love the new blog look.. i love the colors. I've been so absent from the blogging world, but it's nice to look through your posts and see how you guys are doing! we miss you and we'll be back in 4 weeks! i'll have to think about activities i've liked and get back to you.
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