
it's official

this fall i will be a 3rd grade teacher at eagle valley elementary school (in eagle mountain). i am beyond excited!-not so much for the commute, but i can't wait to teach!


Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

That's awesome jan! Congrats!

Blake and La-Shana Francom said...

Congrats Jan!! So happy for you!XO

Sam said...

Congrats! That is so exciting, yeah the commute won't be the greatest but that's ok!

Thomas and Amanda Provstgaard said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

McKell said...

wow that is awesome! you are going to have so much fun! congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Teaching is really one of the best jobs ever! Not the greatest pay, but it makes up for it in so many other ways. You'll be a great teacher!

Stephanie said...

What great news! Congrats!

Jaime Williams said...

Woo Hoo! So excited for you. Also excited that you chose to go to Powell this summer and not teach until Fall. How can you pass up Powell right??

Jason & Janey said...

wow! that went by fast. Congrats!

ihaverun said...

Thanks for commetning on my blog! I always love hearing from local readers! And congrats on your teaching job. My little girl is starting kindergarten in the fall, so we love teachers =)

Colt 'n Tami said...

YOU WILL ROCK! CONGRATS ... YAY they are wayyyy lucky students to get YOU to teach them! Teaching is the BESTTTT!