
celebrations & such

i couldn't have asked for someone better to share birthday's with all these years. end of january celebration for jenny's b-day. can't wait to meet their little one in august-yup they're expecting!
lots of love to my favorite guy in the world. p.s. anyone that is considering cutting their hair short-do it! I can do my hair in 10 minutes tops. have i mentioned that i'm loving it yet? ha.


Chelsie said...

I love your hair! It really makes me want to cut my shorter.

Stephanie said...

First off Happy Birthday!!! Second LOVE Your hair!!! Third please please please tell Johnny congrats for me! So excited for them!

Chelsey said...

Love how you two share birthdays, so fun! Also, remember how we were born in the same hospital at almost the same time? Not that I really remember but it's pretty cool!

jeff & mal said...

I love your hair Jan! That's seriously the perfect cut on you...so cute!

Blake and La-Shana Francom said...

Seriously you rock that hair!! And Happy Birthday!! Hope it was great! =)

Erin + Geoff said...

your hair looks so so so good in that bottom picture of you and nate.. i think you look stunning, and your jaw line looks so great! you have a great face for short hair.