
Wow...one month already

Well the blog has kind of taken the back burner for now, especially since I'm already doing two other blogs for school. I have taken some pics but haven't uploaded them. Just a quick update with life:

  • School is still ruling my life. I really do love it though. It is so nice to finally take classes I actually enjoy.
  • I found out I will be doing my field experience this semester at Vineyard Elementary. For 3 weeks I will just go to the elementary school instead of college and teach and learn there. I hope those 4th graders are ready. So excited.
  • I feel like i'm on the verge of getting sick...I sure hope not. Hopefully this weekend in park city will help me get some much needed sleep.
  • Is anyone else excited for Conference? I love conference weekend.
  • I broke out in some weird rash last Sunday. Gross I know. It has moved all over different parts of my body-currently on my legs and parts of my arm. It is miserable. I feel like I'm always itching myself. haha
  • Nate's little bro just got his mission call on Wednesday night....Mexico City, Mexico. So excited for him.
  • Church calling is busy but I also love it. We have had so many people move into our ward in the last month or so. Guess that's what happens when you are a BYU student ward.
  • I currently have a love/hate relationship with Facebook. I get on my facebook probably 4-5 times a week and I never get on at work anymore-Which is actually really nice, I feel much more focused. Everytime I get on facebook, after I am done "looking" I then deactivate my account. So I am deactiving and unactiving my account all of the time. haha ridiculous I know.
  • Well I think that's enough for now. maybe i'll blog more this month.

1 comment:

Daniel and Savannah Jensen said...

Ha ha I thought there was something up with your facebook! Every time you would comment it would be there, then just disappear, and I would try to look at your profile, but it wouldn't be there! I hope you don't get sick...I feel the same way, and "something's" always going around this time of year. Working with kids you are bound to catch something though lol!