So this past weekend I was really craving something sweet. I rarely bake and I don't buy treats either only because nate doesn't eat them and I know I'll end up eating all of them! Which I don't want to do. ha So I decided I wanted some delicious cupcakes and went in search for a recipe in blogger world. Don't you just love blogs, you can find anything! I saw a picture at this great blog and thought I'm so making those. Found the recipe from here and ended up halfing the recipe because of course I knew I would eat them all. It ended up making nine. Here is the frosting, which was so yummy. Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting. They were even good enough that Nate ate 4 and I'm sure you can guess who ate the rest....
Photo from

SO glad you liked them and thanks for the shout out! I should honestly cut recipes in half more often because I can't control myself!
Don't you wish that you loved to bake as much as Jess?? I'm sure I would if I could make stuff look as pretty as she does!! I took the chocolate chip recipe off her blog today!!
Oh my, those look so good!!! Thank you for posting this...or maybe I shouldn't be thanking you seeing as I am going to be the one who ends up eating all of them as well!
Oh yes they do look amazing.... The same thing happens with me and Eric. Must be a girl thing.... we love our treats! I am going to have to try them.
Jan... next time you make those invite Geoff and I over!!! they look so good!
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