This weekend was the Wasatch Cup at BYU. We go to pretty much all of the rugby and soccer games, they're free for us and are actually a lot of fun. One of Nate's best friends is on byu's rugby team and they played Utah. It was a big game and if I remember correctly winning the game takes them automatically to the sweet 16. Anyways, they won, which was awesome. We are totally wanting to go to the championship(road trip) which is always held at CAL-Berkeley. They won it last year and I think they can win again this year. Here is the field, it looked awesome considering the day before it was covered in snow.

Group of friends holding the cup.

The three boys, they are hillarious and I enjoy them being around, even when they eat all of our food. The joy of having mostly single friends. ha
That sounds so fun! We need to go to another soccer game with you guys, that was tons of fun last time. And you guys look so cute!
That sounds so fun! I had a friend who planned on the rugby team there and then he went on a mission so we lost touch but rugby is way fun to watch!
Your blog is cute! I am happy you left me a comment so I can look at your blog now. :)
Rugby is a sport I have always wanted to watch live just to see what it's all about! I (yes all 5'2" of me) got asked to join the women's uvu rugby team and I about died laughing!
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