
June Recap

below are some of our june happenings. the way things are going i'll be making a july recap next.:)

 our fam on father's day/nate's b-day
 the only way to get your nails clipped is to suck on dads arm.
 lil' angel sleeping in the car. she does great in the car.

 i still try to be the favorite aunt. love these cute girls.
 made my first pie, blueberries and cream, and it was so good!! 
 uncle zac getting e to smile
 morning snuggles in moms bed are the best!
 and this sweet girl turned 8 weeks old...where is the time going?!

 cute ruffle bum
 naps together are a must...
 and i guess so are blow-outs since she seems to have them on a fairly regular basis. :)
 getting so good at tummy time.
birthday party with cousins, not too mention matching. whoops.

all in all june was a great month. the summer is flying by!!

1 comment:

Tiffany Kay Smith said...

Just the cutest little family ever. For real. I want to meet that lil babe so bad!! Glad your having a great summer! Love ya!